
Showing posts from 2020

Witches need a better hobby

These damn witches and their prophecies, it's creepy let me tell ya.  The witches foretold that Macbeth would be king and that Banquo’s line would eventually sit on the throne. Like my father just got murdered and we got three women making assumptions about who's going to be king already?  Translate

My father found dead

Shocking news I got earlier this morning... My father King Duncan was found dead.  Macduff and Lennox came to fetch my father and Macduff finds my father murdered in his own bed... Lennox accuses my fathers attendants, who were holding daggers and covered in blood, of the King's murder. Weird enough, Macbeth announces that he killed the attendants out of love for father. The story doesn't really add up if you ask me. My brother Malcolm and I decided to go our separate ways just in case whoever came for our father doesn't try to come for us also, and if we arrant  together then if he finds one of us he won't find the other. I've decided to go to Ireland as for my brother, his next destination shall be England. 

What's the big deal about daggers anyways?

Lady Macbeth at first tries to steady her husband, but she becomes angry when she notices that he has forgotten to leave the daggers with the sleeping chamberlains so as to frame them for Duncan’s murder. He refuses to go back into the room, so she takes the daggers into the room herself, saying that she would be ashamed to be as cowardly as Macbeth. As she leaves, Macbeth hears a mysterious knocking.  I'm surprised about the daggers and what everyone thinks the significance of them are. I mean they are just daggers lol. 

Act 1 Assignment

My father Duncan, King of Scotland returned from battle and met with a captain. T he captain informed my father of Macbeth and Banquo's bravery in battle. He also describes Macbeth's attack on the castle of the treacherous Macdonald, in which Macbeth triumphed and planted Macdonald’s head on the battlements of the castle. For what those brave men did, I could never do. There are these crazy weird sisters of three that give me the creeps whenever they are around. I'm sorry but if you can predict the future, that's insane.